Communities around Australia are once again gearing up for Australia Day; a day where the nation comes together to celebrate what's great about Australia and being Australian.

Dimboola, Jeparit Nhill and Rainbow will each host events on Australia Day. A flag raising ceremony will take place in each town, along with addresses from the Mayor and Australia Day Ambassador. Awards for Citizen of the Year, Young Citizen of the Year, and Community Event of the year will also be presented on the day.

Hindmarsh Shire Council is pleased to receive notice that it will be hosting Rachel Porter as the Hindmarsh Australia Day Ambassador for 2015.

Professionally, Rachel operates "Kiss Communications', a marketing and communications company specialising in public awareness campaigns, brand development and premium event management.

However, Rachel is better known for her work in the community and charity sector, as well as author of a book on pregnancy loss.

Rachel's book stemmed from her personal experience, and subsequent community work with families who had experienced the loss of a child in pregnancy. Rachel's own loss of her first two sons motivated her to assist a charity for pregnancy loss grief counselling and family support, together with educational programs and medical research related to pregnancy loss and premature birth. Rachel continues to act as a spokesperson for pregnancy loss issues in Australia and abroad, and is passionate about increasing public awareness of this often not-talked-about issue. 100 per cent of the proceeds of Rachel's book went to charity.

Rachel was also the Chairperson of the Isis Foundation, which raised one million dollars for Nelson Mandela's children's charity and she worked on World Reconciliation Day events. The Isis Foundation helped support schools and children's education.

Rachel is a member of the City of Melbourne Awards judging panel, is a member of the National Loss and Grief Association and works with the Department of Justice in the area of the Office of the Public Advocate. The Office of the Public Advocate promotes the rights and dignity of people with disability and those vulnerable in the community who are unable to make decisions for themselves.

Rachel is also currently the National Partnerships Manager for Whitelion - a charity established in 1999 to help young people at risk aged between 10-25. Whitelion works with the most vulnerable young people in the community, those who are homeless, in out of home care, in a cycle of abuse - drugs, alcoholism and mental health issues. The charity also helps young offenders to re-ely involved in preventative education programs in rural areas which assists young people in increasing their resistance to peer pressure, increasing their self esteem, self confidence, and capacity for success.

Rachel has been involved in charity work helping the community for over 20 years and has been recognised for her outstanding contributions by receiving the 1999 Patch Adams Humanitarian Award, Tattersall's Unsung Heroes Award, Growing Years Award, a finalist twice in the Telstra Business Women of the Year awards, one of four finalists in the 2009 Australian of the Year awards and was recognised by the Lord Mayor of Melbourne receiving a Celebrating Melbourne Award. Rachel appears in the Australian Who's Who of Women and is in high demand as an inspirational speaker and presenter across Australia.

The Australia Day Ambassador program is made possible thanks to sponsorship from Woolworths, who have sponsored the program since 2001. The Ambassador's contribution is always a highlight of the Australia Day ceremonies, and a wonderful chance for all four communities to engage with a high profile Australian.

The formal Australia Day program begins with a breakfast barbecue in Rainbow, from 7.30am, followed by another breakfast barbecue in Jeparit from 9.00am, a morning tea from 10.30am in Dimboola, and finally a barbecue lunch from 12.00 in Nhill.

In addition, the Dimboola Town Committee will be hosting an Australia Day Eve concert at the sound shell at the Dimboola Rec Reserve from 6pm on 25 January. Residents from around the Shire are invited to attend this twilight concert event.

Hindmarsh Shire Council would like to extend its thanks to the Lions Club of Rainbow, Jeparit Town Committee, Dimboola CWA, Dimboola Town Committee and the Nhill Lions Club for hosting the Australia Day Event in their respective towns on 26 January. Council appreciates the ongoing efforts of these community groups to celebrate our history, identity and future opportunities as Australians - and looks forward to celebrating with you all over the Australia Day weekend.