The Nationals Member for Lowan, Hugh Delahunty has applauded the collection of the 100,000th fox scalp in Victoria.

Mr Delahunty said "I have continually argued that a fox bounty is an integral part of coordinated fox and wild dog control in Victoria. The Coalition Government's investment in this area has stopped the devastation to livestock and wildlife caused by 100,000 foxes. This is a cause for celebration."

"100,000 entire fox scalps have been handed in since the fox bounty program began in October 2011, representing $1 million in investment in fox control in Victoria - so far."

"I am acutely aware that foxes have a significant impact on agriculture production, particularly through winter and spring when foxes prey heavily on new lambs," Mr Delahunty said.

"The bounty system is strongly supported by the community and encourages responsible shooters to take an active role in managing the environment," Mr Delahunty said.

"Government investment provides some compensation for these efforts, but also, importantly, is recognition of the value of this volunteer activity."

The fox bounty is funded for four years and a list of collection centre locations and dates can be found at