A three-year fox baiting program is about to commence on public land throughout the Little Desert National Park and private land surrounding the Little Desert.

For private landholders the target area of focus is north of the Little Desert through to the Western Hwy and south of the Little Desert through to the Natimuk-Frances Rd (as shown on the map below).

The aim of the program is to effectively reduce fox populations in a coordinated approach on a large-scale area.

If you’re interested in being involved within the program, there are meetings in Kaniva and Nhill to hear about the program.

Please RSVP to Rommi Crouch for catering purposes, email rc.kanivalandcare@gmail.com or phone 0438 492 505.

Information Session Details
Wednesday 20th March 2019
  • Kaniva Community Hub, 10am morning tea for a 10:30am start
  • Nhill CFA, 2:30pm afternoon tea for a 3pm start