Above average rainfall over the past couple of months has seen some sections of the Wimmera River flow for the first time in several years including flows at Glenorchy for the first time since 2016.

Wimmera CMA chief executive David Brennan says with some small yet well-timed rain events in May, June and July, it is good to see creeks and rivers flow naturally.

“We stopped environmental water delivery at the end of June as natural flows have occurred over the majority of the system. It is the first time this has happened for some time,” he said.

But Mr Brennan said conditions remained fragile with less than average rain falling in July and Bureau of Meteorology forecasting a warmer than average spring.

“Although the late autumn and winter rain so far has resulted in river flows, it has not been enough to have a significant impact on the low levels of Wimmera and Grampians storages. Our priority is to manage water for the environment conservatively and efficiently to help our rivers and creeks get through spring and summer and beyond.”

Read the full Water for the Environment Winter Update by clicking on the icon below.