Dimboola Primary School Captains and House Captains have been elected and are already active in the leadership roles at the school.

The School Captains for this year are Noah Campbell and Olivia Revell, pictured front right, who will be backed up by Vice Captains Mackenzie Ryen and Lachlan Geary, front left.

The Captains will represent the school at community events such as Anzac Day, as well as take on roles within the school while setting a positive example to the student body.

The House Captains also have leadership roles within the school, including speaking publicly at school sporting events, and leading by example.

The Watson House Co-Captains are Elisha Barry, Athanasious Kardogeros and Emily Gartlan, McCanns Captains are Mackenzie Ryen, Tom ODwyer and Stephanie Glover, and Hinchleys Captains are Olivia Revell, Corey Goss and Che Pyers.

The sports houses are named after local identities footballer Tim Watson, Stawell Gift winner and athlete Bill McCann and past Dr Alister Hinchley.